(Vernacular Session, e.g., European Languages, Arabic, Bahasa, Thai, Chinese, Turkish, Japanese, Russian, will be organized for a minimum of 5 or more participants of a particular language)
(Only English language, full-length, original papers will be considered for publication in conference journals)
Knowledge Partner
Online LIVE International Conference, 14th August 2021
Theme: Life Science & Technology
In-person conference held in April 2022 at London, UK
Dr. Stalis Norma Ethica, M.Si. Magister Program of Clinical Laboratory Science Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
Topic: Brown algae as a rich source of novel alginate-lyase producing bacteria to combat biofilm-related infection
Dr. Stalis Norma Ethica M.Si. (Orcid ID: 0000-0002-0853-0423) is a lecturer and researcher with an industrial experience background. She specializes in the use of bacterial cells and enzymes for their possible benefits as bioremediation, therapeutic or diagnostic agents, supported by encapsulation and genetic engineering technologies. Dr. Ethica earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Chemistry from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. Her doctorate majoring in Biotechnology was also obtained from the same university in 2014. In 2018 she obtained the advanced course on Next Generation Sequencing Bioinformatics (EMBL-EBI) in Wellcome Genome Campus, Cambridge, UK. She joined the Undergraduate Program of Medical Laboratory Technology of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang as a lecturer in 2015. From 2019 to present she has been serving as a full-time lecturer (assistant professor) at the Postgraduate Program of Magister of Clinical Laboratory Science of the same institution. Her projects related with the development of bioremediation agent of hospital wastewater from indigenous bacteria and the development of antithrombosis and antibiofilm agents from marine bacterial enzymes received supports from Indonesian Ministry of Research and Higher Technology.
Dr. Merissa Braza Ocampo Ph.D., Fukushima Gakuin University, Fukushima City, Japan
Topic: Self-Care Management of Japanese Students During Covid-19 To Enhance Subjective Wellbeing
Currently, as a full-time lecturer at Fukushima Gakuin University, Japan. Dr. Merissa Ocampo’s interdisciplinary work combines linguistics and mental health, looking particularly at the impact of Anxiety, Burnout, and Stress (ABS) on learners and teachers of English as a Foreign Language. Recently, she is focusing on the effectiveness of positive psychology and mindful self-compassion to cope up with ABS among teachers. Ocampo wrote her Ph.D. dissertation on mother and child nutrition and health status. Having direct personal experience guiding family members through the Japanese education system to the tertiary level, her current research explores the Family Environment Mode Approach (FEMA) in language teaching. A naturalized Japanese, Ocampo is also able to draw upon her knowledge of both Japanese and Filipino language and culture to support an intercultural perspective in her work. She is currently developing FEMA more extensively and coordinating a Positive Psychology Intervention-related modular Storybook project for teaching learners from young to adult, nutrition, and health concepts in English. Moreover, teaching language with Positive Psychology Intervention is another topic she is doing. She believes that the power of gratitude, kindness, and self-compassion could enhance students’ and teachers’ well-being.
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